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penalty for breach of contracts中文是什么意思

用"penalty for breach of contracts"造句"penalty for breach of contracts"怎么读"penalty for breach of contracts" in a sentence


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  • If contractor can not finish construction according to time limit prescribed in contract , one day delayed , contractor will pay 4 / 10000 of total project price as penalty for breach of contract for one day delayed
  • The contract shall specify the area , location and purpose of the site , the terms of the contract , the fee for the right to use the site ( hereinafter referred to as the site use fee ) , the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract , and the penalty for breach of contract
    合同应当订明场地面积、地点、用途、合同期限、场地使用权的费用(以下简称场地使用费) 、双方的权利与义务、违反合同的罚则等。
用"penalty for breach of contracts"造句  
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